This is a story of overcoming adversity. Thanks to my gorgeous client M for allowing me to share this.
M had two curves in her spine (scoliosis) that were worsening over time. One of the curves began interfering with her lungs and made it difficult to breathe. As a young girl she endured a 5-hour “spinal fusion” surgery, which involved drilling and hammering on her spine and ended with two steel rods and 20 screws in her back. After 4 days in the hospital, M had to learn how to sit, stand, and walk again, and was restricted from major physical activity for a year. She endured years of physical pain and feelings of insecurity from the appearance of the scar. Cold weather still causes pain. All that after dealing with low self confidence prior to the surgery.
But M overcame the pain. And she learned to love herself and her scar. So much so that she has “love yourself” tattooed on her arm as a reminder.
These photos show a woman who is the definition of “empowered.” M wanted her photos to show her scar. It’s a tribute to her strength.
Do you have a scar that represents or reflects an experience in your life?